Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture
Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture has been used for centuries as a means to prevent illness. It is used to address both acute and chronic conditions ranging from physical injury to systemic issues. By working with the body's powerful systems it improves the body’s ability to function optimally and promotes its self-healing properties. Acupuncture is used to address each particular person's need for healing. We have two skilled practitioners at The Koa Clinic, Erin Heidrich , LAc and Dr Nina Hamid, LAc.
Some conditions that can be benefitted by Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture are:
Pain, swelling and inflammation
Injury recovery and athletic performance
Fatigue, chronic stress and anxiety
Painful, heavy and irregular menstruation
Difficulty getting pregnant
Digestive disorders and detox support
Migraine and chronic headache
And many more...